Author LilyOmori (Lily Suzuki) is an American from the Midwestern U.S (Chicago area). After finishing college she began studying Japanese and soon after moved to Japan. She taught in Osaka for two years, then moved to Tokyo and found a job working in international sales for a Japanese company. She called Tokyo home for over three years. Later she worked as visiting instructor for a hotel management and culinary institute in Bali, Indonesia. Software training work brought her back in the Midwest. Today she lives in Chicago and continues to work in the computer software field. During the past year she has expanded into change management consulting. She can speak some Japanese. Personal interests include organic cooking, spa and hot springs visits, and Tokyo style izakaya (restaurants).
About LilyOmori アメリカ中西部生まれのアメリカ人。大学卒業後に日本語学習を始め、日本へ渡る。大阪で2年間英語教師を勤めた後、東京で某企業に就職。東京を第二の故郷と呼んで3年間在住。その後、インドネシアのバリで観光学校の英語教師を勤め、ソフトウェアのトレーナーとして米国シカゴへ帰郷。日常的な日本語での会話が可能。オーガニッククッキング、Spa、温泉、東京の居酒屋などの探訪を趣味とする。
Author Nagamimi is a Japanese native from Tokyo. She is an experienced English-to-Japanese translator and teacher of Japanese who has lived in the Midwestern U.S. (Chicago area) for 15+ years. Her personal interests include graphic design, research and writing. One of her favorite topics to write about is the contact and early interactions between Japanese and Americans during the 1860's~1870's era. Anyone who shares an interest in this subject and period of history can find more information in her site
About Nagamimi:場末の浅草育ちの日本人。英語から日本語への翻訳のほか、日本語教師の経験もあり。長年アメリカ中西部に在住。コンピューターで絵を描いたりもするが、主に関心を傾けているのは、開国から明治初年の日米間の交流。このあたりに関心をお持ちの方は、
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