Sunday, October 30, 2011

Taiko Drumming Group Shines at JapanFest

The JapanFest event took place in Atlanta, Georgia on Sept. 17-18. It's an annual event that attracts thousands and showcases Japanese culture, talent, and commerce in the southeastern U.S.

Job one: to get a good seat for the afternoon taiko performance. I knew it would be great. The group that performed is called Matsuriza. They flew in from Japan to play for us.

Approaching a nice stranger sitting near me who held poised and ready a very large professional camera, I asked if he would send to me his digital photos from this performance, explaining that I wanted to make a slideshow and upload it to YT. Actually, there was a lot of smiling and begging on my part for this favor. The photographer, Ben Ennis, kindly agreed! This is one of his photos. Today I finally completed the video slideshow. You can watch it here.

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